Roti canai by dapoernassy. Roti Canai is very much loved by Malaysians from all walks of life. Dipped in dhal curry, this flat bread is a culinary delight. Roti canai (pronunciation: /tʃanaɪ/), or roti chenai, also known as roti cane (/tʃane/) and roti prata, is an Indian-influenced flatbread dish found in several countries in Southeast Asia, including Brunei.
Originated from southern India, roti canai is sometimes called roti paratha or roti prata.
These roti are modified and made famous by Mamak (Muslim-Indian).
It is a very popular hawkers and street item and had in Malaysia as a breakfast item as well.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, kamu dapat membuat Roti canai by dapoernassy hanya dengan menggunakan 5 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, bikin Roti canai by dapoernassy yuk!
Bahan Roti canai by dapoernassy
- Siapkan 500 gr of Tepung.
- Sediakan 2 butir of Telor.
- Siapkan 5 sdm of Margarin.
- Gunakan 200 ml of Susu full cream.
- Siapkan secukupnya of Air hangat.
You could instead roll out with a rolling pin as thinly as possible if you find that the flipping is not for you. An all-time Malaysian favourite, roti canai is a type of Indian flatbread that is eaten with an assortment of curries and sometimes sambal. Lihat juga resep Roti canai/maryam enak lainnya. The most popular Malaysian bread would be roti canai it's a flat bread that's soft and chewy to eat, simply addictive.
Langkah-langkah memasak Roti canai by dapoernassy
- Lelehkan margarin, tunggu sampai dingin.
- Campurkan tepung,telor,susu full cream,dan margarin yg sdh cair.
- Aduk sampai dengan kalis.
- Bulat bulat adonan,rendam didalam minyak.diamkan 1 atau 2 jam.
- Pipihkan adonan yg sudah direndam dengan minyak,olesin margarin, gulung dan putar melingkar..
- Siapkan penggorengan,olesi dengan margarin. Panasi di penggorengan sampain dengan setengah matang (untun frozen) dan matang apabila langsung dihidangkan ~ selamat mencoba ~.
Oil is used in the final process, to make the bread stretchy and to prevent the thin dough from sticking together. 食谱roti canai. Description: Roti canai telur dan telur bawang. A recipe for the roti canai (also known as the roti prata), caused quite a stir recently for its, er, creative renaming of the beloved Southeast Asian staple. Only it wasn't called roti canai, but "Asian flat croissant." Roti Canai or Roti Cane is Roti (Indian style flatbread) served with a side of Canai. The Roti can be whole-wheat flour dry rotis, or shallow fried with a bit of oil, or shallow fried All Purpose Flour (maida) rotis.