Oxtail Soup / Sop Buntut. Ingredients to prepare Indonesian sop buntut (oxtail soup): oxtail, carrot, potatoes, shallots, garlic, ginger, onion, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, salt If a restaurant serves sop buntut at all, it will be really hard to miss since this soup is probably the most expensive dish among the many dishes available. Let me tell you this first, when i cook i never have the exact measurement so please feel free to adjust the spices to your own taste. Oxtail soup is made with beef tails.
Reviews for: Photos of Sop Buntot (Indonesian Oxtail Soup).
Oxtail soup is one of popular dish in Asian, one of them is Indonesia.
We called it "sop buntut" in Indonesia.
Sobat dapat menyiapkan Oxtail Soup / Sop Buntut hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 2 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Oxtail Soup / Sop Buntut!
Bahan Oxtail Soup / Sop Buntut
- Dibutuhkan 250 gr of buntut sapi (sedikit lemak).
- Diperlukan 2-3 butir of Tomat (potong bagi 4).
- Siapkan 3-4 bunga of lawang.
- Gunakan 2-3 sdt of pala bubuk.
- Gunakan 1/2 batang of kayu manis.
- Diperlukan 2-3 sdm of bawang goreng (digerus).
- Diperlukan of Garam n merica (secukupnya).
- Gunakan 3-4 butir of Cengkeh (terakhir).
- Diperlukan 3 of wortel dipotong panjang2 (2 ruas jari).
- Dibutuhkan 1 of kentang yang ukuran besar dipotong kotak2.
- Gunakan 5-6 lembar of kol.
Oxtails, which are often used to make beef stock, soups, and stews, bring their signature rich taste to this satisfying and easy soup. Malaysian oxtail soup is earthy, meaty, warm and comforting with the bursting flavor from a myriad of local spices. I may receive commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Oxtail soup is called sup ekor in Malaysia and sup buntut in Indonesia.
Cara memasak Oxtail Soup / Sop Buntut
- Siapkan presto,masukkan semua bahan kecuali cengkeh dan sayur2an..
- Setelah matang saring tomat yang sudah di presto..panaskan kembali,masukkan cengkeh,n sayur potong hingga matang. Tes rasa... Sajikan dengan nasi hangat n jeruk nipis..Mantullll 👌.
Buntut in Indonesian language means Tail, hence the name just like in English…Sop Buntut. This was a popular street food that has made its way to restaurant menu. I love the tenderness of the oxtail after being cooked for such long hours and the spice-rich tasting soup. Sop Buntut - Oxtail Soup -. Forget canned soup - this homemade oxtail soup has great taste.