Resep: Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur Untuk Pemula!

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur. Indonesian famous sop buntut (oxtail soup) that tastes as good as the one you find in some of the best Indonesian restaurants. If a restaurant serves sop buntut at all, it will be really hard to miss since this soup is probably the most expensive dish among the many dishes available. Lihat juga resep Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur enak lainnya.

Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur The most popular in the one from Hotel Borobudur, maybe if you have a chance to visit I have been wanting to do this recipe for quite a while but kept being distracted by other things on my mind. Oxtail soup or sop buntut is one of. Oxtail and vegetables are simmered for hours into a deeply comforting soup with complex flavors in this recipe for Indonesian Sop Buntot. Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, teman-teman dapat memasak Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur hanya dengan menggunakan 16 bahan dan 4 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur!

Bahan-bahan Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur

  1. Gunakan 1,5 kg of buntut sapi.
  2. Sediakan 12 siung of bawang putih (haluskan).
  3. Sediakan 2 sdm of merica (haluskan).
  4. Gunakan 1 of pala 2cm (tumbuk halus).
  5. Diperlukan 10 of cengkeh.
  6. Sediakan 10 siung of bawang putih (rajang).
  7. Diperlukan 10 siung of bawang merah (rajang).
  8. Sediakan 6 tangkai of seledri (rajang besar).
  9. Sediakan 10 of daun bawang (iris kecil).
  10. Diperlukan 2 of tomat (belah 5).
  11. Gunakan of Wortel (secukupnya).
  12. Siapkan 2 sdm of gula pasir.
  13. Siapkan of Kaldu jamur.
  14. Diperlukan of Garam.
  15. Sediakan of Jeruk nipis / lemon.
  16. Sediakan 2 sdm of Butter.

Reviews for: Photos of Sop Buntot (Indonesian Oxtail Soup). Oxtail soup is one of popular dish in Asian, one of them is Indonesia. We called it "sop buntut" in Indonesia. Some people may find it strange and refuse to eat oxtail soup because they might find it disgusting.

Cara membuat Sop buntut (oxtail soup) ala ala borobudur

  1. Jgn cuci buntutnya. Rebus air hingga mendidih, masukkan buntut 3 menit, angkat. Cuci bersih dgn air dingin, sisihkan..
  2. Tumis rajangan bawang merah dan bawang putih dgn butter hingga kecoklatan. Setelah itu masukkan bawang putih dan merica yg sudah dihaluskan, tumis sebentar. Masukkan pala yg sudah ditumbuk dan cengkeh.
  3. Masukkan buntut sapi, tumis2. Setelah itu tambahkan air suhu ruang memenuhi 3/4 panci. Masukkan wortel Tambah gula, garam, kaldu. Api kecil, tunggu hingga mendidih..
  4. Masukkan tomat, seledri dan daun bawang, lanjutkan dgn api kecil hingga empuk. Bisa pakai trik rebus 5 menit, matikan api tutup panci 30 menit, rebus lagi 7 menit. Kalau saya biasanya sop nya lebih enak dimakan esok hari nya supaya benar2 terserap n empuk. Bisa ditambahkan juga macroni yg sudah direbus sesuai selera..

But believe me, this recipe will change their mind. Buntut in Indonesian language means Tail, hence the name just like in English…Sop Buntut. This was a popular street food that has made its way to restaurant menu. I love the tenderness of the oxtail after being cooked for such long hours and the spice-rich tasting soup. The chunky vegetables in a soup is.