Nasi Uduk Bunga Telang / Rice Blue Pea. Bunga telang (or bunga teleng or kembang teleng or or bunga biru) is also known as Butterfly Pea or Blue Pea Vine in English. This plant is native to tropical equatorial Asia, but has been introduced to Africa, Australia and America. I was a bit weird when I knew the scientific name Clitoria Ternatea.
Come and enjoy our authentic Nasi Kerabu or Herbs Rice and taste the unique flavour of Bunga Kantan or Butterfly.
The butterfly pea flower is also called Bunga Telang in Malaysian or Indonesian; it means clear vision, or is We use this flower for its blue colouring by extracting the natural colouring from the flower for the various Nonya kuihs, such as pulut Inti, pulut tatai and Nonya Chang, or even for our everyday rice.
Bunga Telang or Blue Pea in English is a flower used as natural food dye in many Malaysia food such as kuih and nasi kerabu.
Kawan-kawan dapat menyiapkan Nasi Uduk Bunga Telang / Rice Blue Pea hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Nasi Uduk Bunga Telang / Rice Blue Pea yuk!
Bahan-bahan Nasi Uduk Bunga Telang / Rice Blue Pea
- Gunakan 250 g of beras putih.
- Diperlukan 150 ml of sirup telang.
- Siapkan 1 of sacset kara @65 ml.
- Sediakan 2 lbr of daun salam.
- Dibutuhkan 2 lbr of daun jeruk.
- Siapkan 1 btg of sereh.
- Siapkan 1 sdt of garam.
Besides acting as a natural food dye,It can be consume as flower tea, studied have proved that this highly intense blue color flowers are actually high in antioxidant. Nasi uduk literally means "mixed rice" in Betawi dialect, related with Indonesian term aduk ("mix"). The name describes the dish preparation itself which requires more Nasi uduk is made by cooking rice soaked in coconut milk instead of water, along with clove, cassia bark, and lemongrass to add aroma. This beautiful creeper is called Butterfly pea plant in English and you can easily find this plant everywhere in India.
Langkah-langkah membuat Nasi Uduk Bunga Telang / Rice Blue Pea
- Siapkan bahan, cuci beras stlh bersih taruh ke rice cooker, tambahkan sirup telang, dan semua bumbu (daun salam, sereh,daun jeruk, garam,kara).
- Tambahkan air 350 ml(sesuai kelembekan nasi yg diinginkan). Tutup majic com, pilih tombol quick cook (masak cepat) tunggu sampai tanda berbunyi, tombol akan pin dah ke off keep warm, berarti nasi sdh masak..
- Tunggu bbrp saat sekitar 5 menit, buka majic coom, sajikan nasi uduk dg pelengkapnya. Sy lengkapi dg tempe orek, ceplok telur, timun, tomat dan krupuk. Bisa jg dg sambal kacang. Selamat mencoba...🙏.
You will find this plant in many Indian homes as it is used We call it Sangu Poo Sangu Pushpam in Tamil and is very popularly called Aparjitha in Hindi and Bunga Telang in Malay. - Bunga telang atau yang sering disebut butterfly blue pea dalam bahasa Inggris adalah sejenis tanaman merambat yang biasa Bunga telang biasa dijadikan garnish untuk makanan atau campuran untuk beragam sajian seperti nasi uduk, puding, dan yang paling populer adalah teh. The Butterfly-Pea Flower , also called bunga telang , is often used when making various Nyonya The bunga telang has to be prepared before you can use them for making the various kuihs. The rice grains expand in the process, so you need enough blue water to completely immense the rice to a.