Klepon/ onde onde. Onde-onde, ondeh-ondeh or in Indonesia - klepon is a dessert or tea-time snack made out of glutinous rice flour or sweet potato, filled with gula melaka (coconut palm sugar) and coated with. Learn how to make soft yet lightly chewy onde onde filled with aromatic coconut sugar. The first bite will create that burst of melty coconut sugar inside your mouth.
Remove from heat, drain and set side.
And some floating in the background.
Onde-onde (Ondeh-ondeh) recipe - These cute little pastries are infused with pandan (screwpine leaf) juice and filled with "Gula Melaka" or palm sugar and then rolled in with some fresh grated coconut.
Kamu dapat menyiapkan Klepon/ onde onde hanya dengan menggunakan 7 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Klepon/ onde onde yuk!
Bahan Klepon/ onde onde
- Diperlukan 125 gr of tepung ketan.
- Gunakan 25 gr of tepung beras.
- Dibutuhkan 120-125 ml of air (secukupnya sampe adonan bisa di bulet2in) jika ingin harum aernya pake daun pandan).
- Diperlukan of Kelapa parut.
- Sediakan Secukupnya of pasta pandan 3-4 tetes sampe warnanya bagus.
- Gunakan of Isian : gula merah dipotong2 kecil2.
- Siapkan of Balutan : kelapa, dikukus terlebih dahulu sekitar 20 menit biar gak gampang basi.
Here, we share our ondeh-ondeh or klepon recipe that cuts no corners. Instead of using pandan extract or food colouring, our recipe calls for real pandan juice, giving the rice cake casing a natural. Nek digatekake, nggawe onde-onde kayane gampang. Ning, kanggo nggawene dadi nikmat tentu.
Cara membuat Klepon/ onde onde
- Uleni bahan bola2 sampe bisa dipulung, jgn terlalu lembek nanti gembos.
- Isi bagian tengahnya dengan gula merah lalu dibentuk bola2.
- Jika sudah, rebus air terlebih dahulu jika sudah mendidih masukkan bola2nya, kalo mateng bolanya ngambang.
- Setelah itu gulingkan dikelapa parut.
- Klepon siap di santap.
However, in Java onde-onde refers to the Chinese Jin deui, a rice cake ball coated with sesame seeds and filled with sweet greenbean paste. Although popular across Southeast Asia, klepon may have. Klepon (pronounced KlĂȘ-pon) or Onde-onde is a traditional green-coloured balls of rice cake filled with liquid palm sugar and coated in grated coconut. Padahal di Jawa sendiri onde-onde jelas berbeda dari klepon. Onde-onde dalam versi Jawa merupakan makanan dari tepung beras yang berisi adonan kacang hijau dan ditaburi dengan wijen.