Chapssal doughnut a.k.a onde-onde korea. Korean donuts recipe - Chapssal donuts (Glutinuous rice ball doughnuts) with sweetened red bean paste stuffing. I was going to use this red bean paste for my Chapssal Donuts (찹쌀도넛, Korean Glutinous Rice Ball Doughnuts). It used be one of my favorite childhood snack foods sold at street.
They're not hard to make, but the red bean filling takes time.
Chapssal doughnuts (Korean: 찹쌀도넛) are Korean doughnuts made with glutinous rice flour.
The mildly sweet doughnuts are often filled with sweetened red bean paste and coated with the mixture of sugar and cinnamon powder.
Kalian dapat menyiapkan Chapssal doughnut a.k.a onde-onde korea hanya dengan menggunakan 9 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Chapssal doughnut a.k.a onde-onde korea!
Bahan-bahan Chapssal doughnut a.k.a onde-onde korea
- Sediakan 35 gr of tepung ketan.
- Sediakan 1/4 sdm of terigu serbaguna.
- Gunakan 1/4 sdm of gula pasir.
- Gunakan Sejimpit of garam halus.
- Dibutuhkan 1/4 sdt of baking soda.
- Sediakan 1/4 sdt of baking powder.
- Gunakan 1/4 sdm of minyak sayur.
- Siapkan 30 ml of air panas.
- Dibutuhkan 60 gr of pasta kacang merah untuk filling (bagi @20gr).
Chapssal doughnuts are a modern Korean treat combining traditional Korean rice cakes with Western style deep fried doughnut balls. Im When you coat the outside before frying it with sesame seeds and replace the azuki beans with mung beans, it will be an onde-onde in Indonesia. Chapssal doughnuts are a modern Korean treat combining traditional Korean rice cakes with Western style deep fried doughnut balls. On the outside the dough is crispy and chewy, and on the inside there's soft, lightly sweet red bean paste.
Cara membuat Chapssal doughnut a.k.a onde-onde korea
- Campur semua bahan kecuali pasta kacang merah. Uleni sampai kalis. Saya uleni 5-10 menitan. Karena kalau kurang di uleni jadi gampang gosong dan susah di bentuk.
- Bagi adonan jadi 3, pipihkan lalu beri isian pasta kacang merah dan bulatkan. Ini foto pasta kacang saya ya, saya biasa buat banyak untuk stok di kulkas.
- Panaskan minyak tapi jangan sampai terlalu panas, lalu masukkan chapssal doughnutnya, goreng dengan api kecil selama 5-7 menit, angkat, tiriskan, tunggu agak dingin lalu lapisi dengan gula halus/gula pasir..
Chapssal doughnuts (Korean: 찹쌀도넛 ) are Korean doughnuts made with glutinous rice flour. The mildly sweet doughnuts are often filled with sweetened An-doughnut is a Japanese doughnut filled with red bean paste. It is a confection created in Japan, along with anpan, Jam pan, cream pan, curry. Chapssal doughnuts are a modern Korean treat combining traditional Korean rice cakes with Western style deep fried doughnut balls. On the outside the dough is crispy and chewy, and on the inside there's soft, lightly sweet red bean paste.