Onde - Onde. Onde-onde (Ondeh-ondeh) recipe - These cute little pastries are infused with pandan (screwpine leaf) juice and filled with "Gula Melaka" or palm sugar and then rolled in with some fresh grated coconut. Onde-Onde or Ondeh-ondeh, some even call Buah Melaka such a simple yet memorable dessert Onde-Onde are make from glutinous rice ball with Pandan (screw pine) leaves flavour, filled with palm. In Singapore and Malaysia, onde-onde refers to glutinous rice balls dessert.
Onde-onde or onde onde may refer to: Klepon, a boiled rice cake stuffed with palm sugar.
Jin deui, a pastry made from rice flour covered in sesame seeds.
Onde-onde dapat ditemukan di pasar tradisional maupun dijual di pedagang kaki lima.
Kawan-kawan dapat menghidangkan Onde - Onde hanya dengan menggunakan 8 bahan dan 3 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Onde - Onde!
Bahan Onde - Onde
- Diperlukan 80 gr of kentang (kukus & hancurkan).
- Gunakan 250 gr of tepung ketan.
- Diperlukan 120 gr of gula halus.
- Dibutuhkan 150 ml of susu hangat.
- Diperlukan 100 gr of kacang hijau kupas.
- Siapkan 5 sdm of gula pasir.
- Siapkan Secukupnya of air untuk merebus.
- Sediakan Secukupnya of wijen untuk topping.
Lihat juga resep Onde onde ketawa enak lainnya. These balls of Ondeh-Ondeh are so fun to eat. With Onde App, you can easily build your own ride-hailing solution or boost your taxi business on the next level. Onde Onde is a specialty of Chef Wan, and he is going to teach Anna Olson how to make this incredible coconut flaked dessert!
Cara memasak Onde - Onde
- Rebus kacang hijau kupas hingga hancur & masukkan gula. Koreksi rasa. Sisihkan..
- Campurkan kentang, tepung ketan, gula halus, susu. Uleni hingga kalis..
- Ambil adonan & gilas, isi dengan kacang hijau & bulatkan. Gulingkan ke air & wijen. Goreng hingga matang..
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